Your mind will guide your actions

For some this time of the year is an opportunity to review the past year. A time to celebrate the successes and plan for the year ahead. Do you set New Years' Resolutions? Or perhaps you set out goals, complete a vision board and take action every day to work toward your goals. No matter your style, making up your mind and being in the right frame of mind will be key to your actions and successes or the opposite. Are you like me and enjoy lifelong learning, through books or courses? One book I have been able to read over the past few years is Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol S. Dweck. This book goes on to share how our successes in all areas of life are affected by how we approach our goals. Who will be clipping pictures and phrases out of magazines and putting together a vision board to help put your goals on top of your mind each and every day? This visual reminder of why you are doing what you are doing will play a key to your success for the year ahead. No...