5 Effective Ways to Stay on Track with Your Weight Reduction Journey
Many people would love to lose 5 pounds, but there are those who need to lose, as much as 30, 50, or even 100 pounds. A journey like that is not short nor is it easy and often includes ups, downs, twists, turns, plateaus, and setbacks. So how can it be accomplished? You’ve seen the stories of heroic triumphs plastered across the Internet, social media, talk shows, and infomercials, the ones with amazing headlines such as, “Amazing Mom with 5 Kids Finds Time to Hit the Gym” or “Spectacular 100 Pound Weight-loss With Common Sense Tactics.” These are not miracles, these people did not find a magic pill, they used sensible tactics to reach their goals. Treat Yourself as a Human Be kind to yourself after all to err is human. The truth is willpower is not an endless supply of magical beans therefore you will run out at some point and fall off the wagon. You will find a stressful situation you can’t seem to manage. You may binge while you are all by yourself or in front of everybody ...