
Showing posts from November, 2022

5 Effective Ways to Stay on Track with Your Weight Reduction Journey

Many people would love to lose 5 pounds, but there are those who need to lose, as much as 30, 50, or even 100 pounds. A journey like that is not short nor is it easy and often includes ups, downs, twists, turns, plateaus, and setbacks. So how can it be accomplished? You’ve seen the stories of heroic triumphs plastered across the Internet, social media, talk shows, and infomercials, the ones with amazing headlines such as, “Amazing Mom with 5 Kids Finds Time to Hit the Gym” or “Spectacular 100 Pound Weight-loss With Common Sense Tactics.” These are not miracles, these people did not find a magic pill, they used sensible tactics to reach their goals. Treat Yourself as a Human Be kind to yourself after all to err is human. The truth is willpower is not an endless supply of magical beans therefore you will run out at some point and fall off the wagon. You will find a stressful situation you can’t seem to manage. You may binge while you are all by yourself or in front of everybody ...

How your food could be stressing you out

When you hear the word stress you may immediately think about physical or mental stress. The feeling you get when you are under pressure and want to pull your hair out and it feels like smoke is coming out of your ears. Okay, that may be a bit more of an exaggeration and while stress does make you feel like this, there are actually 8 causes of stress and only one of those is good stress. Today we will look at nutritional stress. What that means and how your body is affected. Nutrition includes the foods that we eat and drink. Things that are nutrient-rich may be broken down by our digestive system and absorbed by our cells. Seems pretty simple; however, there are a few things that may affect your body's ability to absorb nutrients. Firstly, the food that we are eating does not contain the nutrients that our bodies require to repair and function properly. Secondly, our bodies may not absorb properly possibly due to lower levels of digestive enzymes, poor gut health, and the nee...

How might stress be keeping you from losing your belly fat

Close your eyes and think about the last time you were stressed out. Chances are you didn’t think about the traffic jam that made you really angry and late for work, or the rush to get the kids fed and to soccer. Generally, people only focus on big stressful events when they consider the stress in their lives. This common misconception could be the reason you are unsuccessful at getting your belly fat to start to melt off of your body. What is Stress? Stress is a chronic problem in our current society. notes that most people experience chronic stress daily and it puts their body in a chronic stress response. The problem is that many of the things in our modern life cannot be controlled. Our commutes, the traffic, the plane delays for your business trip; they are all out of our control. The University of New Mexico notes that psychological stressors can be a contributing factor in the release of cortisol. When you spill coffee on your shirt and have to change before you go...

Five Tips for Long Term Weight Reduction Success

First of all, let’s call it a Weight Reduction Journey. The reason to use the word reduction instead of loss is that you do not want to find the weight again, right? The next reason it is called a journey is that it takes time to replace negative habits with healthy, positive habits and to ultimately create a Weight Management Lifestyle that is sustainable long term. Reducing weight is work and can take a lot out of us, physically, emotionally, and mentally. And many times, once it’s off, we feel like those calories will never return. But the sad truth is that we easily can pack on the pounds soon after because we fall back into the same negative habits as before. If you’ve reduced some weight try following these 5 smart tips to help to keep the weight off for good. 1. Skip the diet Dieters gain back their weight within 6 months to a year . Some even gain more than they lost after stopping their diet. So instead of following some 10-week eating plan, why not change our entire o...

Stress Less for Health - Health is an Inside Job

  Welcome! My name is Kathleen Finigan and it is my pleasure to help you NAVIGATE the world of stress management. To help you IDENTIFY your stressors and help you learn to REDUCE, MANAGE and where possible ELIMINATE them to work toward a Life-Stress Balance! So what is STRESS? If you search stress online at Yahoo Canada, by definition stress (physical) is: 'pressure or tension exerted on a material object' as well it means, a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances. There are actually 8 areas of stress that affect your body in the same way - increased cortisol, stress response, inflammation, and if not addressed and managed possibly dis-ease. I will be sharing more about these 8 areas of stress throughout my blog postings, as well as Tips, Tricks and Tools to cope and help you move from Surviving to THRIVING! So, why be a stress expert?  Talking about stress is stressful, right!? I was given the opportunity to endu...